Louise Noorbergan ABN: 59 162 896 312

​​ Profile & Philosophy
Registered Midwife and Mother of 3 Children
In 1988, as a mother expecting her third child, I recognized the value of having a known midwife and chose to employ the services of an independent midwife and had a home birth. The experience reinforced my intention to do midwifery training and to work toward working in a midwifery model of care.
I am a specialist in normal birth who views pregnancy, labour, birth and early parenting as a major life transition best facilitated by holistic sociological care that places the woman at the centre. Placing the woman at the centre necessarily recognizes her significant others, her community and cultural context. The birth of a child is a social event; the midwife’s role is to support the transition to parenthood physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially.
Being a midwife is a privilege. It is a privilege to partner with a woman and her family through pregnancy and labour and to witness the sacred moment of birth; to facilitate understanding as a couple identifies the changes in their relationship as they become parents; to recognize that pregnancy does not happen in a vacuum and that sometimes there are challenges.
Along with this privilege is the responsibility to ensure competency and currency of midwifery knowledge and practice. This is best facilitated by reflective practice, peer review, client feedback and continuous professional development.
Registered Nurse & Midwife
Medicare provider no: 4314961L
AHPRA reg: NMW0001013858
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08/2012 - current Caseload Midwife – in Victorian Public Hospital settings
10/2007 – 08/2012 Midwife Team Leader - Angliss Family Birth Centre. Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria
10/2006 – 09/2007 Program Coordinator -Yayasan Bumi Sehat, Aceh, Indonesia
10/2001 – 10/2006 Midwife Team Leader - Angliss Family Birth Centre. Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria
2/2001 - 10/2001 Midwife - Angliss Family Birth Centre, Ferntree Gully, Vic.
1996 -2001 Midwife - Mitcham Private Hospital - Mitcham, Victoria
1992 - 1996 Midwife - Dandenong Hospital – Dandenong, Victoria
2012 Graduate Certificate in Midwifery (prescribing) - Flinders University, South Australia
2012 HIV & Hepatitis C Test Advisor - Mercy Health Training Institute, Victoria
2010 Cert IV in Training and Assessment Box Hill Institute – Box Hill, Victoria
2005 - 2011 Master of Public Health - Monash University – Prahran, Victoria
1996 - 2001 BA in Christian Counselling - Tabor College - North Ringwood, Victoria
1990 - 1991 Midwifery Certificate - Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria
1983 - 1986 General Nurse Certificate - Repatriation General Hospital, Heidelberg, Victoria